Flavia Landucci


Project: WetVegEurope - European marsh vegetation: synthesis and formalized classification for nature conservation

Person in Charge: prof. RNDr. Milan Chytrý, Ph.D.

Host InstitutionDepartment of Botany and Zoology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University

Country of Origin: Italy

Previous Place of Work: Italy

Project Duration: 24 months

Panel: Environment and Geosciences


In the last decades a lot of work in vegetation survey has been done in Europe, adopting standardized analytical methods in order to obtain a consistent classification of vegetation. Such a classification is needed for European nature conservation policy to ensure correct and unified interpretation of the directives for habitats and biodiversity management. Currently several inconsistencies in the classifications proposed by different authors and from different countries are still evident, in particular between Southern and Central/Northern Europe. 

The main aim of this project is to establish a standard European survey of wetland (reed and marsh) vegetation (phytosociological class Phragmito-Magno-Caricetea), providing a consistent and unequivocal classification based on standardized and repeatable analytical methods. Other related objectives will be (1) testing the functionality and contributing to the development of the European Vegetation Archive (EVA - a new project launched by the working group European Vegetation Survey of the International Association for Vegetation Science in 2012), (2) contributing to the parallel development of the information system SynBioSys Europe, (3) contributing to the creation of a supra-national vegetation classification system for Europe. Vegetation data from European countries will be collected in association with the development of the European Vegetation Archive and classified using the “Cocktail” algorithm and some other newly developed algorithms.

This project will provide an opportunity to develop a phytosociological model usable as a tool for policy making in European nature conservation, and to support its implementation in the European Nature Information System (EUNIS) habitat classification. In addition to the specific research aims, this project will provide the basis for training the researcher to an integrated vision of European vegetation.