Brno Ph.D. Talent

Roman Andriushchenko

Automated Construction of Probabilistic Programs

Lector: Tomáš Vojnar

Institution: Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Information Technology

Field: Computer Science and Engineering


About the project

The aim of this project is to conduct research in the area of computer-aided quantitative synthesis, particularly in the field of automatic construction of probabilistic programs. This application presents a proposal for the main contributions directed towards the development of an efficient and scalable framework for probabilistic synthesis. The success of this project will fundamentally improve the state of the art in this field and enable automated synthesis of complex and robust systems.


Why science?

I would like to work ideally in a research position either in academia or industry and use modeling and analysis techniques to develop complex and reliable systems.


What do I like most about Brno

Brno is a very compact city that offers a diverse palette of cultural and sports activities as well as easily accessible natural areas.