Brno Ph.D. Talent

Veronika Fedorová

Role of miRNAs and protein-coding genes in stem cell specification during neurodevelopment in vitro

Lector: Mgr. Dáša Bohačiaková, Ph.D.

Institution: Masaryk University, Faculty of Medicine

Field: Biomedical Sciences


About the project

microRNAs were identified as crucial post-transcriptional regulators of gene expression. They were also directly linked with human embryonic stem cell physiology and maintenance of key stem cell properties. However, molecular mechanisms employed during the onset of differentiation of hESCs are less well described. Therefore, we aim to study how miRNAs and protein-coding genes function together to maintain neural stem cell specific properties - i.e. the ability to self-renew and to differentiate.


Why science?

For now, I’ll see where my professional career goes. In 10 years, I believe that I will have finished my PhD. studies, gained experience from abroad and that I will still enjoy doing science.


What do I like most about Brno

Scientific possibilities, cultural activities and food is what I like most about Brno.